Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Statistics • COVID-19 response
Share experiences

Share experiences

This section provides a space for members of the statistical community to share their immediate needs, challenges, experiences and lessons learnt as they put in place new approaches to adapt their data production and dissemination practices throughout the statistical value chain.

  • Statistics COVID-19 response hotline. The United Nations Statistics Division, in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and Open Data Watch, as well as statistical offices from across the UN System, has created a dedicated email address where National Statistical Offices and stakeholders from all sectors of society can send inquiries and share experiences and lessons learnt related to the response of national and global statistical systems. Please submit your inquiries to

  • Twitter chats and webinars. Please stay tuned for upcoming virtual events dedicated to the sharing of experiences among statistical experts from across the world working to support national statistical systems in their response to the COVID-19 crisis.

  • Electronic mailing lists for National Statistical Offices. To provide an easy-to-use medium for the staff of National Statistical Offices to share experiences with their peers and what they have found to be useful in meeting the extraordinary challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data has established an English, French and Spanish closed email listserv. Officials from National Statistical Offices around the world are welcome to contact to join these groups.

Sharing events

Household Surveys and COVID-19: Webinar

While the pandemic has resulted in considerable data collection challenges, surveys can also play a crucial role in understanding the social, economic and health impacts of COVID-19. As part of the UNSD-DFID project, which is working with 20 countries in Africa and Asia to support their SDG monitoring and COVID-19 data response, the UN Statistics Division hosted a webinar covering topics including the role of surveys during the pandemic, telephone surveys and sampling, and questionnaire design and data collection. It also includes a presentation by Dr. Ola Awad, Director General of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), highlighting how they have been responding to COVID-19, including using surveys to measure the impacts of the pandemic on people’s lives. Here you can find the video, a copy of the presentations, and a Q and A based on the questions raised during the webinar.

Sharing events

Second COVID-19 Stats Twitter Chat

On April 28th at 12PM ET/4PM UTC the UN Statistics Division, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, and Open Data Watch joined to host the second #CovidDataChat directly after the UN World Data Forum webinar, Data in the Fight Against COVID-19. The Twitter chat provided an opportunity to continue the conversation from the webinar and share thoughts, experiences, and follow-up questions with statistical experts around the world on the role of national statistical systems in ensuring that reliable and timely data is available and ready to use in informing the fight against #COVID-19. Below we’ve shared selected answers from our participants as well as provided a list of resources distributed during the chat. To see more of the online conversation, follow the hashtag #CovidDataChat on Twitter.

Sharing events

Data in the fight against COVID-19—What do we learn?

This UN World Data Forum webinar will explore how the statistical community is responding to the challenge of providing timely data, disaggregated by age, sex, location and other markers, in order to inform policies and planning aimed to minimize the risks of the COVID-19 crisis for the population, especially the most vulnerable groups.

Sharing events

PARIS21 Webinar on "Addressing COVID-19: How are national statistical offices in low- and middle-income countries doing?"

The ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic is disrupting everyday life in unprecedented ways. To address these data and capacity related challenges, PARIS21 is hosting a webinar on 8 April, from 15:30-16:30 CEST for national statistical offices (NSOs) and other organizations, in particular from low- and middle-income countries, to share their experience and how they plan to mitigate its effects in the near and long term.

Sharing events

First COVID-19 Stats Twitter chat

On 1 April at 9AM ET/1PM UTC the UN Statistics Division, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and Open Data Watch hosted on Twitter a #CovidDataChat in which representatives from National Statistical Offices and their partners discussed the challenges they are facing in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, share potential solutions, and identify immediate technical assistance and funding needs. Below we share a selection of responses from the discussion as well as a list of resources shared during the chat. To see more of the online conversation, follow the hashtag #CovidDataChat on Twitter.